Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles



The title of our article is a common idiom, used to describe the attempt to make the unreasonable seem reasonable. To accomplish this, others must be persuaded, intimidated, and sometimes even forced to look at reality in an unreal way. But in the end, this “new way of thinking” merely normalizes irrationality. There are numerous examples of this in our modern, PC culture. In this article, we shall consider a few of them.

We must save endangered animals, but we may kill human babies. The younger generation may not realize this, but there was once a time when such an idea was understood to be irrational. Human life was considered precious, and certainly more important than animal life (cf. Gn.9:1-6). My, how times have changed! Now, we are told by some that killing animals is murder, but killing innocent babies in the womb is merely “a choice” – and one that must be constitutionally protected! This cheapening of human life has turned reason on its head, and allowed the slaughter of untold millions of babies over the last 47 years (since Roe v. Wade). Someday, many will be held accountable for this shedding of innocent blood (Pr.6:16-19).

A mother may murder her baby – but no one else can! This point follows on the heels of our previous point. In a rather strange twist of irony, a mother can choose to hire a professional hit-man (doctor) to kill her baby. But if that same woman is shot on the street, and her baby dies, the killer can be charged with murder! Now, I fully support charging the man with murder; but when the same woman can do the same thing (via abortion), reason has been turned on its head! According to Scripture, that which is “conceived” in the womb (e.g. a son) is same thing that is “brought forth” in birth (cf. Lk.1:36,57). If this is true (and it is), then why are not the mother and her doctor charged with murder when they jointly conspire to end her pregnancy?

One’s sexual preference is genetic; but gender is a choice. Again, for our younger folk who have been conditioned by a secular and worldly society to think irrationally, you may not be aware that such thinking was unheard of only a few years ago. I am “only” (?) fifty-eight years old; but in less than that span of time, society has been bullied into accepting homosexuality as a genetically predetermined trait. In other words, we are told (yea, bullied) that being “gay” is no different than having blond hair or blue eyes! The problem is, this confuses “conduct” (i.e. a gay lifestyle) with “genetics” (eye color). Not only does that turn reason on its head, but its latest revision has turned it on its head even further! Now, we are told that we can “choose” our gender! In other words, something we cannot change (our genetics – i.e. X and Y chromosomes) can be altered by mere decree; and something we CAN change (our conduct – i.e. a gay lifestyle) is “set in stone” by – wait for it – our genetics! Is that not amazing? Not only have some turned reason on its head, they have completely abandoned it. This, by definition, is insanity! And in a sane word, people who think like that would be recommended for psychiatric treatment – and yes, I am serous. But sadly, reason has been so overturned that irrational thinking is celebrated and encouraged. Yes, we literally live in a crazy world; and that craziness has infected our government, our institutions of learning, and therefore, our homes and churches.

As I ponder the normalization of such irrationality, I wonder what God must think of all this. But then I am reminded of what Solomon said: “there is nothing new under the sun” (Eccl.1:9-11). Irrational thinking has always been around; and God’s people have always had to challenge it. The only difference is in the way it manifests itself. In ancient times, people actually prayed to trees, rocks, and metal objects. This is irrational on its face; yet it was popular, and done by many (Isa.44:9-17). If you think about, idolatry is nothing more than turning reason on its head. What is happening today is just a “new idolatry” – the worship of SELF!

As Christians, our job is to confront such irrational thought with the power of truth – the sword of the Spirit (Ep.6:17). This weapon, forged by God Himself, “is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart” (Hb.4:12). Go forth and do battle, my brethren!

--Lanny Smith