Bulletin Articles
One of the claims of the modern charismatic movement is that certain people still have the power to work miracles as in Bible times. I believe such claims are false; and it will be the purpose of this article to prove that. To do so, we shall consider the “implications” of having modern miracle-workers. In other words, “IF” there are modern miracle- workers, then what else would have to be true?
If there are modern miracle-workers, they should be able to do every kind of miracle in the Bible. Have you ever noticed how modern-miracle workers are very “selective” in the miracles they claim? They always pick those which are easiest to fake, and hardest to disprove. For instance, they claim to be able to speak in “angelic” tongues, heal “invisible” illnesses like cancer, and cast out “unseen” demons. But you will never see them multiply loaves and fishes, walk on water, or part seas. Wonder why? There is no Biblical reason why only certain select miracles would be performed. And yet, this is what is passed off as genuine – these vague, easily faked, so-called miracles. So, the next time you talk to one of these so-called miracle workers, invite them to do something really amazing. Ask them to walk across Geist Reservoir, or to multiply one McDonald’s hamburger to feed an entire congregation, or to drink a can of Drain-o and survive (cf. Mk.16:17-18). I guarantee you they will find a way NOT to do it!
If there are modern miracle-workers, they should be able to accurately prophesy some future event. One of the miraculous abilities was the gift of prophecy (1Cor.12:10). For instance, whenever there is an election coming up, ask them to prophesy who will win each race, and what the final vote tally will be for each candidate. Or, ask them how much rain will fall in your back yard over the next month (and be sure to get a gauge to measure it). Ask them when and where the next hurricane will hit the United States. Once again, I guarantee you that they will find a way NOT to do it! Or, when they fail, they will find a vague explanation, like, “You didn’t have enough faith,” – effectively blaming you for THEIR failure!
If there are modern miracle-workers, they should be able to produce a new book of the Bible. You see, one of the purposes of miracles was not only to “confirm” God’s word (Mk.16:20), but also to “reveal” it. Paul said that the Holy Spirit revealed things to him, which he wrote down, so they could be read and understood (Ep.3:3-5). The same could be said of other prophets in the Bible (2Pt.1:20-21). Indeed, those who had miraculous abilities in the past worked to produce the Bible! If this kind of activity is still going on, then they should be able to produce some kind of verifiable writing from God; some new book of the Bible. And yet, here we sit with the same old books for the last two-thousand years! Don’t you think that at least one chapter could have been added by now? Of course, the real reason they have not produced a new book is that they are frauds – and they know it!
If there are modern-miracle workers, there should be modern-day apostles. As a matter of fact, some claim to actually have modern-day apostles. After all, how could you disprove their claim? Well, I’ll tell you how: You see, in the Bible, an apostle had to have been a witness of the resurrection of Christ (Ac.1:1-8, cf. v.21-26). Couple this with the fact that Paul was the last one to ever see the risen Lord (1Cor.15:3-8), and it becomes clear that there can be no modern apostles. Those who claim to have (or to be) modern apostles are liars and frauds!
I will close with the words of the apostle Paul, clearly stating that the days of miraculous abilities would come to and end. “Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is complete has come, then that which is in part will be done away” (1Cor.13:8-10). Notice clearly that the text says these gifts would “fail… cease… vanish away.” Simply put, Paul is saying that when the knowledge given by miraculous gifts was completely revealed, then the miraculous gifts would cease. The Bible is complete and sufficient (2Tm.3:16-17; 2Pt.1:3; Jude 3). Let’s trust it, and it alone!
--Lanny Smith