Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles



For those of us who believe, God has provided “an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you” (1Pt.1:3-5). Heaven is our “reward” for faithful service (Mt.5:12)! But sometimes, we lack faith in what God promised, and question whether or not He can actually deliver on His promise. Some have even denied His precious promises. So, this article is designed to relieve some of the worries and/or questions people have about these Heavenly matters. I readily admit that our knowledge of heaven is limited to what is revealed in the Bible. So, let’s take a look at what’s there…

What kind of body will we have in heaven? This is a very common question; and believe it or not, there is an answer in Scripture! Now, to be clear, there are many “specifics” which we will not know until we get to Heaven: What is our heavenly body made of? What will it look like? What will it feel like? God has chosen to keep the answer to such things secret (Dt.29:29). But He has revealed some things! For instance, we know that it will be like the “glorious body” of “the Lord Jesus Christ” (Ph.3:20-21). We know it will be a “habitation which is from Heaven” (i.e., of heavenly origin, 2Cor.5:1-2). And, we know that it will be “a spiritual body,” suited to live in a spiritual place (1Cor.15:35-49). Just as your physical body is perfectly suited to live in this physical realm, even so your spiritual body will be perfectly suited to live in the spiritual realm of Heaven.

What will we be doing up there in heaven? Some ask this question sincerely; but others ask as if to poke fun of the common (but false) image of Christians flying around the clouds with wings, and playing harps. I do not believe the Scriptures teach that; but the Scriptures do tell us some things about what we will be doing in Heaven. First, we shall “rest” from all our earthly labors (Rv.14:12-13). “God Himself will be with them” (i.e., the saved), and shall personally “wipe away every tear” to comfort us (Rv.21:1-4). We shall eat of “the tree of life,” and “take of the water of life freely” (Rv.22:1-2,14,17). We shall “serve” God, “see His face,” and “reign” with Him (Rv.22:3-5). We shall worship and sing to Him (Rv.7:9-12; 15:2-4). Sounds great to me!

Will we recognize one another in heaven? I am not sure why this is even questioned; nevertheless, there are some who believe that we will not recognize one another in Heaven. My initial reaction to this is to ask, “Who wants to spend eternity with a bunch of strangers?” So, as to future recognition (i.e., after this life), consider these thoughts: At the transfiguration, Moses and Elijah were identifiable and distinguishable from each other, even though they had been dead for centuries (Mt.17:1-5). The rich man, Lazarus, and Abraham were all recognized and distinguished (Lk.16:19-31). Jesus said that some would “SEE Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God” (i.e., in heaven, Lk.13:23-28). Finally, the Bible says that we shall “SEE Him” (i.e., Jesus, 1Jn.3:2). How will we know it’s Jesus if there’s no recognition?

How shall we cope if our loved ones are lost? Over the years, I have heard some people say something like, “I just don’t know how I could ever endure the pain if I went to Heaven, and learned that my mother, father, spouse, kids, (you fill in the blank) didn’t make it to Heaven.” So, what is the solution? To NOT tell us? Wouldn’t the LACK of knowledge bother you just as much? And consider this: Somehow, we find a way to cope with lost loved ones NOW, right? I have preached many a funeral over someone I was pretty sure did not make the cut. They were very dear to me; yet, I found a way to cope! If we can find a way to cope with lost loved ones here, then surely, we can find a way to cope “over yonder!” This gets back to our original paragraph. We must TRUST that God will comfort us (Rv.21:4). I believe that, don’t you?

While this article may not answer ALL of your questions, hopefully it will provide enough info for you to trust that God knows how to “make it happen.” If we can’t trust Him, then why are we serving Him? And if we CAN trust Him, then let’s trust Him all the way! Heaven will be well worth the effort!

--Lanny Smith