Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles



“We then, as workers together with Him also plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain” (2Cor.6:1). This text clearly shows that Paul considered himself and the other apostles as “workers together” with God. Sadly, this is often overlooked in our own relationship with God. Instead, many will gravitate to the extremes of saying “God does it all,” or “Man does it all.” Both are wrong! Our relationship with God is, and has always been, a cooperative matter! In this article, I want to discuss this concept.

God could just provide food to every human being miraculously. However, God did not choose to do it that way! Instead, it is a cooperative effort. God provides the seed, dirt, rain, and the sun; but man must till, plant, water, tend, and harvest his own food (cf. Gn.3:19). If either side fails, man will surely starve!

God could have built an ark, and placed Noah on it, in order to save him. However, God did not choose to do it this way! Instead, it was a cooperative effort. God wanted to save Noah and his family; but if Noah had not worked with God, he would have surely drowned (Gn.6:13-22).

God could have appeared to Pharaoh directly, and told him to let Israel go. However, God did not choose to do it this way! Instead, it was a cooperative effort. God solicited the help of Moses, who worked with God to get Israel released (Ex.3:7-10). But what if there was no “Moses” (or similar person) to go?

God could have destroyed Goliath with a lightning bolt, and saved Israel. However, God did not choose to do it this way! Instead, it was a cooperative effort. God used David, a man after His own heart, to deliver Israel from Goliath (1Sm.17:40-47). But what if there was no “David” (or similar person) to go?

God could have written the Bible Himself, and sent it directly to us. However, God did not choose to do it that way! Instead, it was a cooperative effort. God inspired certain men to write His word for us (Ep.3:3-5; 2Tm.3:16-17). But what if there were no inspired writers? How would we know God’s will?

God (Jesus) could have just told Saul of Tarsus what to do to be saved. However, God did not choose to do it this way! Instead, it was a cooperative effort. God told Saul to go and listen to a preacher who would tell him what he must do (Ac.9:1-6). But what if Saul had failed to do as he was told?

God could also just tell each one of us what to do to be saved. However, God did not choose to do it that way! Instead, it is a cooperative effort. God chose to save man by “the message preached” (1Cor.1:18,21). But if men do not “go into all the world and preach the gospel,” then others cannot be saved (Mk.16:15-16). And if men do not “obey the gospel,” they cannot be saved (Rm.10:13-16; 1Pt.4:17).

God could just do everything that needs done. However, God did not choose to do it that way! Instead, all of life is a cooperative effort. God has given much of His work to “the church, which is His body” (Ep.1:22-23; cf. 1Tm.3:15). If the body listens to its head, God’s “eternal purpose” shall be accomplished (Ep.3:8-11). But what if the church fails to do God’s bidding? How much is God depending on YOU, as a member of the body of Christ?

Notice what happens when we refuse to work with God: “So, I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one. Therefore, I have poured out My indignation on them; I have consumed them with the fire of My wrath; and I have recompensed their deeds on their own heads, says the Lord God” (Ezk.22:29-31). And again, “When I say to the wicked, 'O wicked man, you shall surely die!' and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand” (Ezk.33:8).

I hope this short study has impressed upon your minds the importance of working with God. If you are neglecting your obligations, I encourage you to repent – while you still can!

--Lanny Smith