Bulletin Articles
“These things I write to you, though I hope to come to you shortly; but if I am delayed, I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth. (1Tm.3:14-15). In this passage, the church is described as “pillar” (a column supporting the weight of a building) and “ground” (a support, bulwark, stay) of “the truth” (God’s word). The “church” is God’s faithful, whether acting individually or collectively (i.e., as a local church). As the “house” (or family) of God, we have an obligation to support and uphold God’s word. This work involves at least five things…
We must pursue the truth. Obviously, we cannot support and uphold the truth if we do not know it! This places upon each of us the obligation to, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2Tm.2:15). “Rightly dividing the word” requires honesty – both with ourselves and with truth. The truth must “dwell” in us “richly” (Col.3:16). We must “receive the love of the truth,” lest we be lost (cf. 2Th.2:9-10). And, we must “test” all who claim to teach the truth (1Jn.4:1-6; Ac.17:11). It is this intentional pursuit of the truth which will enable us to do the things which follow.
We must practice the truth. While pursuing and knowing truth is great, mere intellectual knowledge is insufficient; we must also put into practice what we learn (Jm.1:21-25). Indeed, the difference between “hearing” and “doing” has eternal consequences (Mt.7:24-27). But when the we put into practice what we’ve learned, we become a living demonstration of truth, making known “the manifold wisdom of God” in our lives (cf. Ep.3:8-11). And being a living demonstration can influence others – even “without a word” (cf. 1Pt.3:1-2). In the words of the old adage, we must learn to “Practice what you preach!”
We must proclaim the truth. We (the church) are commanded to proclaim the truth! This obligation applies both individually (Mt.28:18-20; 2Tm.2:2), and collectively, as a local church (Ac.11:22-24; 13:1-5). To do this, we must use any available means: oral, written, pulpit, classroom, house to house, radio, television, CD’s, internet, etc. We must be sure that we proclaim truth ONLY – not “perverse things” which “draw away the disciples” (Ac.20:26-32). When we proclaim the truth, we increase the opportunities for others to hear, learn, and obey. They, in turn, will become workers with us in upholding the truth!
We must provide for teachers of truth. Like our previous point, we have obligations both individually (Ga.6:6; 3Jn.5-8), and collectively, as a local church (2Cor.11:8; Ph.4:15-16). Our provision for teachers can come in various forms (1Cor.9:3-14) – i.e., food (v.4), family support (v.5), expenses (v.7), and “material things” (v.11). In short, those who teach may be provided a “living” (v.14). Providing for those who teach truth is a God-given means by which certain individuals can devote their full time and attention to teaching. And when we support those who preach the truth, we support the truth itself!
We must protect the truth. In reality, the truth endures forever, whether we protect it or not (1Pt.2:25). However, God has commanded us to defend the truth against those who assault it (Jude 3). This kind of defense may involve some public “dissention and dispute” (cf. Ac.15:1-2). Those who teach error are to be rebuked; and this is a major component of the task of preaching (2Tm.4:1-5; Tit.2:15). When we rigorously defense of truth against the onslaught of error, we are supporting and upholding the truth.
This is how the church is “the pillar and ground of the truth.” It is our “prime directive” to pursue, practice, proclaim, provide for, and protect the word of God! This obligation rests upon the entire church – not just preachers! When we recognize our personal obligation in this matter, the church will grow; and truth will have its fullest impact in the world. Remember, “it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe” (1Cor.1:21). So, let’s get busy!
--Lanny Smith