Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles



Our Identity: We are simply “Christians” (Ac.11:26) who have banded together to form the Fishers church of Christ (Ac.9:26-28). Jesus is our Prophet, Priest, and King; He is our Christ (Ac.2:36). We pledge our allegiance to no one but Him (Ac.11:19-23). We have never “denominationalized” ourselves, for we are content to be just what the Lord made us when we were saved from our sins (Ac.4:12; 1Cor.1:10-13). In Him there is neither Jew nor Greek, bond nor free, male nor female; but we are all one in Him – as it should be (Ga.3:26-28).

Our Origins: Some of us were former members of various denominational churches. Convinced by the Scriptures of a better way that does not lend itself to religious division, we decided to become Christians only, abandoning all divisive names (Ac.11:26; 26:28; 1Pt.4:16). Others came directly from the world of sin into this sect-free relationship which we enjoy here at Fishers. The Lord has added us to His universal family (Ac.2:36-38,41 47), and we have chosen to be identified with this local group of Christians (Ac.9:26-28). Still others came from local groups of Christians just like this one, which meet in other communities (cf. Ac.11:25-26). They, too, had no desire to be anything other than what the Lord made them. We welcome all such Christians into our fellowship, if they are determined to be faithful.

Our Activities: The philosophy behind our activities is this: We try to determine the activities of local churches of Christ in the first-century, and then duplicate that very same activity today (1Cor.4:17; 7:17; 16:1). Consequently, we are content to engage in the following:

* WORSHIP SERVICES: Once each week, we provide facilities and any other necessities for Christians to gather to worship God (Jn.4:24; Ac.20:7; Hb.10:24-25).

* BIBLE CLASSES: Twice a week, we provide facilities and materials for our teachers, so they may teach Bible classes. We offer a variety of classes for teaching the Word (Ac.18:26; 20:17-38; Tit.2:3-5).

* PREACHER SUPPORT: We support a community evangelist. We also support preachers who come to hold annual or semiannual gospel meetings. And we have helped preachers in other places (1Cor.9:14; 2Cor.11:8; Ph.4:15).

* OTHER PREACHING: We publish a weekly teaching bulletin. We also have annual or semiannual gospel meetings. And, we supply recordings of the sermons preached here as study aids for visitors and members (Ac.8:3-4; 1Th.1:8; 5:11; 1Tm.3:14-15). We have a website which stores a wealth of Bible teaching (see: fishers-churchofchrist.com). And home studies are also available, if you like (Ac.5:42; 20:20).

* BENEVOLENCE: Aid to local saints as needed (Ac.4:34-35; 6:1-7). Emergency relief to saints of other congregations (Ac.11:27-30; 1Cor.16:1-3). And individual Christians volunteer to aid benevolent cases which are outside the scope of what God has permitted the local church to do (1Tm.5:16; cf. Ep.4:28; Ga.6:10; Jm.1:27).

Our Uniqueness: Any Bible believer can worship with us and never violate his or her conscience. We make it a point to include in our work and worship only those things clearly taught in the Scriptures. Questionable things are left out (Col.3:17; 2Jn.9-11; Jn.4:24; 1Cor.10:23-24). We plead for the unity of all believers in Christ. Something important enough for our Lord to pray for is surely important enough for us to work for (Jn.17:20-23; Ep.4:1-6). We welcome dialogue with those with whom we differ (Ac.15:1-29; Jude 3).

Our Emphasis: THE BIBLE: We believe the Bible to be inspired of God, completely furnishing us with all the information we need to be a Christian and go to Heaven. We respect its silence. We do not believe that silence gives sanction to any religious practice (2Tm.3:16-17; 1Cor.4:6; 1Pt.4:11). THE SPIRITUAL: We believe that the local church is designed by God to be a spiritual institution, providing a spiritual environment, in which spiritually minded people can grow into spiritual maturity. None of our local activities appeal to the carnal, fleshy nature of man (Jn.6:27; 1Cor.11:20-22; Ep.4:11-16). We are not a day-care facility, sports facility, recreational facility, nor social club. We are simply a church! This will appeal to other spiritually minded people; and, most importantly, we know that this will please God. 

We invite you to check out our claims to be a simple New Testament church!

--Randall McPherson and Lanny Smith