Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles

Stand Up Eight

The steps of a man are established by the LORD, when he delights in his way; though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord upholds his hand -Psalm 37:23-24

Nobody likes to fall, but everyone does. In 2008, a popular television commercial for Converse basketball shoes featured NBA star Dwayne Wade. The first half of the commercial was a montage of Wade getting knocked to the basketball floor, usually via a hard foul from the opposing team. After one of those times, the camera lingered on Wade, face down on the floor.

After the montage, there were scenes of Wade getting up after his spills. The tagline was a Japanese proverb: Fall seven times. Stand up eight.

Some people believe that if you follow God and have enough faith then you won't fall--you won't suffer calamities or even disappointments. To these people, falling is evidence of a lack of faith. If you fall, then it's your own fault.

David, a man after God's own heart (Acts 13:22), had his share of "falls." Some of these certainly were David's fault, but many were not. In Psalm 37, David, now an old man, states from experience that, even when you are a consistent follower of God, you still will fall. And falling, or suffering, is no fun. It leaves you bruised and battered--maybe not physically, but certainly emotion-ally. Emotional scars can last a long time. Even when you are able to get back in the game, you may not want to, because you could get knocked down again.

But God is at your side, holding your hand. You may not realize it, but he has softened your fall. He has kept you from going off the cliff. He has shielded you from jagged rocks. He has kept you on the path. You can get back up again. He will help you do that. And once you are back on your feet, he'll stay at your side. Fall seven times. Stand up eight. Just keep holding onto his hand. Don't let go.

Think about some recent times when you have “fallen.” How did the experience affect your relationship with God?