Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles

A Heart Full of Thanksgiving

1 Chronicles 16:34 and Psalm 9:1 should resonate in our hearts: "Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever(1 Chronicles 16:34) and "I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds(Psalm 9:1).

Thanksgiving is a ways away, but let us not limit our thankfulness to just one day of the year or for our personal blessings – health, family, friends – but also for the incredible community we have here at Fishers. We are truly blessed to have:

  • Dedicated leadership: Jan, Al, and Randy, who tirelessly serve the Lord and guide us on our journey of faith.
  • Inspiring preaching: Chase, whose powerful messages reach and inspire countless souls.
  • Supportive deacons: Our 19 deacons, who faithfully fulfill their duties and embody Christian service.
  • Devoted teachers: These individuals dedicate their time and resources to nurture the faith of our children.
  • Exemplary members: Men and women who lead by example, setting a strong Christian foundation for all.
  • Enthusiastic youth: The young hearts and minds that bring joy and energy to our church.
  • Experienced saints: Our seasoned members, who share their wisdom and guide us through their experiences.
  • Committed parents: Those who prioritize their children's faith development, even when it's challenging.
  • Beautiful diversity: A church family that celebrates our differences, united as children of God.
  • Generous contributions: The support that allows us to spread the Gospel and help those in need.
  • A welcoming space: Our beautiful building, a place of worship and sanctuary.
  • Our dedicated congregation: Each and every one of you who chooses to be here, enriching our community.

Above all, let us be forever thankful for God's greatest gift – the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, who grants us eternal life. We have so much to be thankful for and not just on Thanksgiving Day, but every day of the year. Even in the hot summer months! Let us appreciate the blessings in our lives, both personal and as part of this incredible church family.