Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles

Psalm 113: 3 - From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised.

`Praising a friend or family member reflects our humility, gratitude, and appreciation for them; it strengthens our relationships with one another. This is also true about our relationship with God.

Praising God reconnects us with his greatness, goodness, and majestic presence while expressing gratitude towards him. It brings us closer to him, focusing on his perfect attributes, thus strengthening our faith and relationship with him. Psalm 113:3 calls upon God’s servants to praise God and acknowledge his sovereignty today and forevermore. It suggests that there is never a time when God's name is not deserving of praise. Praising God is expressing our love and admiration for him, itgoes beyond hymns; it's heartfelt worship that should be reflected not only in our words but also actions. We ought topraise God for his majesty, power, care for the lowly, dominion,and faithfulness. Overall, praising God reflects my obedience to his commandments and faithfulness.

In tribulations, remembering God’s presence and worthiness of praise can be challenging, making it difficult to find reasons to praise him. Remember, believers are not exempt from suffering;in our suffering, God's protection or deliverance may not always manifest in the ways we expected or desired. Even so, he stays with us through it all. 

In 1 Samuel 1&2, Hannah has her womb closed by the Lord. She not only fervently praised the Lord throughout her adversitybut also after the Lord blessed her with a child, Samuel. She praised the Lord by emphasizing his sovereignty and faithfulness. Hannah only prayed for a son, but our God, who watches over the righteous and listens to the needy and afflicted, and brings restoration to all people, blessed Hannah with 7 children. This is our God, who lifts the lowly and crowns them with honor among the greatest. Adversity can lead us back to God, teaching us to rely on him rather than ourselves. Paul in 2 Cor. 11 says, “… been in prison more frequently, exposed to death again and again, three times beaten with rods…,”. Yet, these passing afflictions are insignificant to the future glory that awaits him. The troubles we face now are paving the way for eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 

In life, we’ll experience different suffering at different stages;what matters the most is our attitude during these times. Jehoshaphat says, “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you”. Regardless of the situation, praise God for his goodnessand love “From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets…”. Praising God in both bad and good times expresses adoration and recognition of his greatness in our lives,strengthening our relationship with him and drawing us near to his presence.