Bulletin Articles

Bulletin Articles

Am I Focused On The Right Things? – Phil. 4:8

We live in a fast-paced world. Everything is designed to grab your attention and distract you. We see people who are driven and zealous about what’s important to them. For some, it may be just trying to care for themselves. Making sure they have what they need to survive. Some worry about trying to climb the corporate ladder with their employer. Worrying about how fast can I go, and what do I need to do to get there. Some get caught up with wanting to have the best of everything so they can brag about it and be the item of discussion. Some care so much about things that they neglect their family and their needs. Some people are caught up with social media, with the news, with politics, or even what a certain celebrity, or singer, or athlete is doing. While some of those things aren’t sinful, the problem is this… they don’t make Jesus their number 1 priority. Their focus isn’t on Christ, it’s on pleasing themselves. Pleasing the flesh. And sadly, some Christians are caught up in this.

Col. 3:1-4 - If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. 3 For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.

As Christians, when we examine ourselves, our focused should be on things above, and not earthly things. Even though we should focus on this present time, we should always be focused on Jesus, and our home in heaven. When we lose our perspective, it’s easy to get sidetracked. You can worry so much about problems in your life, that you forget to turn to Jesus for guidance. You can begin to rely on others for help. You get so busy with your life, that you forget to study your bible. Forget to pray. In some cases, some may even stop coming to worship service. Some have lost their focus to the point where some have gone back to the world of sin. So many have forgotten what Christ has done for them Hebrews 2:14-3:1.

When you think about the word “consider” in verse 1 of chapter 3, it means to think about Jesus. Being focused on Him can make all things clear, and bring you peace. And you’ll realize that all the other problems in this world aren’t that important. There’s a hymn in our songbook that can help u with your focus.

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the lights of his glory and grace.

Psalm 25:15, Heb. 12:1-2

No matter the cost, do whatever you need to do to stay focused on Jesus. If you need to remove certain people in your life, do it. If you need to get off social media, or turn off the news, then do it. You make the commitments to focus on Jesus. Put your trust in Him and your problems in His hands. Nothing else in your life should be more important than your relationship with God, with Jesus, and getting to heaven. Ask yourself, Am I focused on God? Am I focused on Jesus? Am I focused on going to heaven? Do I let other people, and their actions and opinions, distract me from doing God’s will? What do I need to do to keep me focused?